After A&E reinstated Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson on Friday, the Human Rights Campaign, which promotes gay rights, said the network gave them assurances that the Robertson family would be open to having a dialogue with blacks and the LGBT community. 

The group revealed they asked A&E for such meetings after it suspended Robertson for making what were deemed to be anti-gay comments in a GQ magazine interview.

Fred Sainz, a Human Rights Campaign representative, told CNN that the group wanted to “thank A&E for their attentiveness and collaboration over the course of the last few weeks” and was “heartened” that A&E would engage in public service campaigns to promote “tolerance.” 

“We’ve received assurances also that the Robertson family is now open to working with African-American and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people to address the real harm that such anti-gay and racist comments can cause,” Sainz said. “That’s been our ‘ask’ since Phil’s comments ran in GQ, and while it’s a positive step, it certainly cannot and should not be the last one.”