Lena Dunham, the supposed epitome of liberal tolerance, doesn’t give a darn about Republicans.

Dunham’s progressive bona fides were never in doubt, and that was before she shot a 2012 campaign spot for President Barack Obama. Earlier today, she addressed the crowd at SXSW in Austin and handed out her exclusive list of things she doesn’t care about.

Guess who made the list?

“I’m sure there’s some really great [Republicans], but I haven’t met them,” she deadpanned.

Turns out Dunham doesn’t care about ratings, either. And that’s a good thing, since she tends to repel, not attract viewers. Her HBO series Girls continues to draw anemic ratings, and she recently wrapped the second-lowest rated episode of Saturday Night Live this season.

Unfortunately, ratings, which unfortunately HBO would like me to feel differently about. I never expected to have a television show, and now that I do, I never expect to have one with blockbuster ratings. … It’s enough to have the platform,” Dunham said.

She has that platform–HBO already renewed Girls for a fourth season–not due to any ratings triumph. Dunham is the beneficiary of more media love than anyone save, perhaps, President Barack Obama, and that will only intensify with her GOP assault today.