Bill Maher actually said something politically incorrect this week.

The comic entered the political space via his former series Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, but he usually echoes the same liberal sentiments of both his peers and the press now via his Real Time HBO show.

Tuesday, Maher put down that script while saluting Jay Leno on the ex-Tonight Show host’s induction into the TV Academy’s Hall of Fame. Seems Leno has gotten a bad rap from TV critics who longed to deify former host Johnny Carson while belittling Leno’s contribution to the comedy scene. Maher’s way of defending Leno must have caught attendees by surprise:

Jay reminds me a little of Israel,” Maher continued. “He isn’t perfect but he’s held to standard I don’t think anybody in the world is expected to live up to but him,” he said, calling Leno “the most Machiavellian and also the most morally upright person I know in show business. He will hide in a closet but never needs a confessional booth.