On Fox News’ Hannity Thursday night, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin expressed no sadness when asked her thoughts on David Letterman’s approaching retirement. 

“It’s cool,” Palin said tersely. “Out with the old, in with the new.”

In 2009, Letterman joked about the statutory rape of Palin’s 14-year-old daughter and then insincerely apologized.

Palin’s Hannity appearance was from a campaign event for Lizbeth Benacquisto, a candidate for the FL-19 House seat. She said that perhaps Letterman will start a trend that politicians who have been in Washington too long can follow. She referred to the “new blood and new energy” that are needed to get the country back on track. Benacquisto, she said, was one of those candidates. 

Earlier in the day, she campaigned for Karen Handel in Georgia to support her Senate bid against David Perdue. Palin blasted Perdue for mocking Handel for not having a college degree.