With a House Select Committee gearing up to finally get to the truth of Benghazi, and nearly-two-thirds of Americans wanting that truth, all the “Daily Show’s” Jon Stewart could do to contain his impotent rage and fear was to remove his clown nose and make a nonsensical case that Benghazi doesn’t matter because of Bush and the Iraq War.

You can watch the full segment below, but ask yourself who the real hypocrite is. Only now Stewart doesn’t want the truth. Only now Stewart is using his powers to say the truth and getting to the bottom of it doesn’t matter. Only now Stewart is playing “look over here!” to distract from the truth.

Stewart is doing exactly what he falsely accuses others of doing during the Iraq War: lying, dissembling, distracting, obfuscating…Stewart even seems to admit Obama was “dodgy” about Benghazi. No matter.

With the people believing Obama engaged in a cover up and wanting these investigations, like the rest of the mainstream media (and Cenk Uygur), Stewart hasn’t yet figured out how to protect Obama from the truth about Benghazi. So he’s flailing…

It takes an aging left-wing clown to float a trial balloon as stupid as “because of something else, this doesn’t matter.”

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The Daily Show
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Everyone knows that Jon Stewart can be breathtakingly pathetic and hypocritical at times, but on yesterday’s low-rated “Daily Show,” he was really something.

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