Liberal comic John Oliver may not be in favor of new military airstrikes in Iraq, but he knows a leader must back up his actions with strong words.

So the HBO star couldn’t resist mocking President Obama for ordering said strikes but acting like he’d rather do anything else but cheer on the men and women heading into battle.

Mediaite picked up the Last Week Tonight host’s mocking the president’s announcement regarding the airstrikes. Suffice to say it wasn’t as thrilling as Mel Gibson’s iconic speech to rally the troops during Braveheart.

I’ve got to say the president sounds a lot like a girl who’s trying to reassure her friends that she’s not getting back together with the ex-boyfriend that they all hate,” Oliver said, after playing a clip of Obama’s speech. “‘Look guys, I’m just getting a drink with Iraq. He’s having a really tough time right.'”

Members of the media picked up on this theme, invariably describing Obama’s war posture as “reluctant.”

“Oh yes, reluctance,” Oliver said. “It’s always been the best tone for leaders to use when inspiring troops before battle.