Now that a devastating plagiarism has caused Democrat John Walsh to drop out his bid to hold on to his U.S. Senate seat in Montana, desperate Democrats have started an online petition to draft Academy Award-winning actor Jeff Bridges.

“He has great recognition! Charisma! Brains!” Pratt writes on her petition, adding that Bridges is known internationally “but he is also highly accessible.” Plus, she notes, Bridges first bought a house in Montana four decades ago.

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle notes the petition has even caught the attention of Bridges, who mentioned learning of the draft movement via a Web alert on Howard Stern’s radio show on Monday. “

“I looked down and I see this thing, ‘Jeff Bridges for Senator,’ and I said, ‘What?’ … There’s a group of people that have called in and want me to run for senator of Montana, like 1,000 people, and I said ‘Sue?,” Bridges said, referring to his wife, “and she looks at me and says, ‘Don’t even think about it.’ “

GOP Rep. Steve Daines was almost certainly going to take the seat before the scandal (he was 10 points up) and is just as certain now.

Bridges owns a home in Montana and has donated to Democrats, but has never shown any kind of interest in electoral politics. This kind of last minute electoral stunt-casting might fool shallow leftist voters in a deep-blue state, but the people of Montana are a little more grounded than that.

It comes as no surprise to learn Bridges is as well.

Bridges latest film, “The Giver,” hits theatres this Friday, August 15.

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