On Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Maher chided those who have blindly taken sides in the Michael Brown shooting before knowing all the facts. Maher followed that up by hypocritically describing Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson as a “plain murderer” for shooting Michael Brown dead.

As of now, the grand jury is still in session and nowhere near all the facts are known or have been released. Like the rest of us, Maher has no idea if Wilson is a murderer or was in fear of his life.

Earlier this week, the Washington Post reported that up to 8 black witnesses back Wilson’s side of the story but have remained silent fearing retaliation from Brown supporters, some of whom have shown a disturbing propensity for violence during various street protests.

Maher then went on to attack supporters of Michael Brown for describing the teenager as a gentle giant. “He was committing a robbery and pushed that guy,” Maher explained. “He was acting like a thug, not a gentle giant.”

You know what else I find disturbing is that everybody in America just sides with their own people and doesn’t look at the facts. The cops I saw on the news a couple of weeks ago, were wearing bracelets or something that said, “I am Darren Wilson.” Why do you want to throw your lot in with this plain murderer?

And Michael Brown’s people… I’m sorry, but Michael Brown’s people say he is a gentle giant. Well, we saw that video where he was in the 7-11. No, he wasn’t a “gentle giant.” He was committing a robbery and pushed that guy. He was acting like a thug, not a gentle giant. He certainly didn’t deserve to be shot for it.

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