A leaked scene from the now-scrapped film The Interview may shed some light on just what angered the hacking group Guardians of Peace into sabotaging the Sony Pictures release.

According to Roger Friedman at Showbiz 411, the scene in question involved a shirtless Kim Jong Un and a shirtless James Franco in bed with four women playing video games.

Here’s the description of the scene from the script:


Dave and Kim are in a bed naked, with the four women.

They’re all playing MORTAL KOMBAT

According to Friedman, the scene made it seem as if a raunchy night had just occurred between the North Korean leader, the women, and Franco’s character, Dave Skylark. Another snippet from the script:

Our Beloved Leader is one of the
world’s most accomplished artists.
Moreover, he is the most fierce
warrior. As well, he is a genius
at business and also medicine and
(sotto to Dave)
“Moreover, he is champion at
fellatio. He can suck a 12 inch
*** while ice-skating backwards.”
Seth turns to Dave and sees that he looks spooked.

On Tuesday, GeekSlop reported that the full script for the film had leaked online.

Sony cancelled the Christmas Day release of the film in the wake of “9-11-style” terror threats against theaters that had committed to show it, which had caused theater chains to abandon their screenings. Sony’s decision was heavily criticized by members of Hollywood’s creative community and politicians Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.