Actress Julianne Moore is the celebrity face for Everytown for Gun Safety’s year-end gun control fundraising campaign.

According to CTNews, Moore wrote a letter asking possible contributors for donations of “$5 or more” to “stop gun violence” and “save lives.”

In the letter, she cited Everytown’s false claim that there have been “nearly 100 school shootings since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary.” She did not mention that many of the “nearly 100 school shootings” on Everytown’s list were actually non-school, non-existent, and accidental shootings–the latter being those in which lawfully possessed firearms were accidentally discharged, and students were not harmed.

Another thing Moore did not mention is that California has all the laws Everytown for Gun Safety supports–but this did not prevent Elliot Rodger from using a gun to kill three people and a knife to kill three others in Santa Barbara on May 23. She also did not mention that Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), author of the California-like gun control that was pushed at the federal level in 2013, admitted that, had they been in place, the measures he pushed in response to the Sandy Hook shooting would not have prevented the tragedy.

In other words, gun control will not stop mass public shootings in areas which Democrats continue to hedge off under the name “gun-free zones.” Anyone with the desire to kill–who is capable of stealing a gun, as Adam Lanza did–will have no problem finding defenseless persons in “gun-free zones,” regardless of the gun control measures passed.

Gun control does not make the vulnerable less vulnerable, only more so.

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