Last week, left-wing singer Stevie Wonder further proved himself a bore and scold at a funeral for gospel legend Andrae Crouch, a man described as “not about color or politics.” Rather than eulogize a legend, Wonder chose instead to crybaby for Barack Obama and demand “limits” on free speech.

You can watch Wonder prove true the saying “liberals ruin everything” in the video below starting at about the 1 hour 20 minute mark:

Fox News:

But some funeral attendees were surprised when Wonder made political statements at the event instead of focusing on the Grammy-winning singer’s life and accomplishments.

“We live in a time where I believe we have a president that truly wanted to see the world come together, to see this nation come together, but yet too much, too many people are judging their dislike of him based on the color of his skin. And I know there are some who say no that’s not true, but I’m telling you what I see.”

“Yes, I truly believe in freedom of speech, I really really do believe in that,” he added. “But I think if we don’t put some limits to us being able to give praise to that one that we hold sacred, we got a problem.”

You have to be pretty full of yourself to drag a soapbox to a funeral.

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