Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura again took to the airwaves this week to dismiss former Navy SEAL Sniper Chris Kyle’s status as a war hero, and instead, compared him to a Nazi invader.

Ventura, who successfully sued Chris Kyle’s widow, Taya, placed a call to the Alan Colmes’ show on Fox News Radio Tuesday evening to elaborate on a previous statement, in which he told the AP Kyle was “no hero.”

After again comparing American Sniper to a “propaganda film, that’s as authentic as Dirty Harry,” Ventura went into an angry diatribe, aimed at Kyle, the American military, and former President George W. Bush.

“A hero should have honor. A hero is not how many people you’ve killed. You know, he was obviously a great sniper,” the famed conspiracy theorist stated. “He was obviously a great shot. He obviously did his job correctly. Alan, let me fire this one at you, Do you think the Nazis have heroes?”

“Well, obviously the Nazis were fighting for a cause we can’t condone,” Colmes replied, as he was interrupted by Ventura:

When they invaded a country, when they invaded Poland, when they invaded France, and if a Nazi soldier killed a hundred people that had lived there, would he be classified a hero in Germany?

Colmes then asked “The Body” if he was comparing the mission of the United States military to that of the Nazis, to which Ventura replied: “We invaded Iraq; we were not asked in. We invaded a country, we overthrew its government, and then we killed people that lived there.”

The former Navy SEAL went on to liken U.S. actions in Iraq to those of “communists,” and stated his belief that George Bush has “destroyed” his American dream.

You can listen to the partial interview below: