No good deed goes unpunished, especially when it comes to smashing liberal shibboleths. Anna Duggar, star of the reality show 19 Kids and Counting, posted a pro-life Twitter message highlighting the importance of black lives, for which she has received an avalanche of criticism.

On Monday, Duggar retweeted a message from the Radiance Foundation, which stated: “Human beings should be remembered not dismembered,” making direct reference to the more than 16 million black children who have been aborted since Roe v. Wade in 1973.


In reply, Duggar has been inundated with messages slamming her as ignorant, racist and “spectacularly offensive.”

“You are one of the most ignorant people to have ever walked this earth how dare you post that disgusting quote!” one of Duggar’s 76,000 followers posted. “You have no idea of the struggles and heartache of being African American has been and is [and] how hard it is to get people to accept black history month.”

Others got more personal still. “I appreciate you have a point of view, I’d like to say stop having babies,” said one, while another said “This is exactly why spaying & neutering is so vitally important.”

Duggar, who is currently expecting her fourth child, has not responded to the outrage, but The Radiation Foundation—the source of the offending tweet—replied on her behalf.

“If you mean highlight the destruction of human lives who will never be able to make history. Yes. We really did that.”

The hashtag #blacklivesmatter was created in the aftermath of Trayvon Martin’s death and the subsequent acquittal of his shooter, George Zimmerman. It became more popular still after the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown and the death of Eric Garner.

Ironically, the Tweet reminding Americans about the preponderance of black children who are killed in abortion seems like the perfect use of that hashtag, unless culling the black population can somehow be seen as empowering to African Americans. That’s a tough one to swallow.

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