The left-wing Comedy Central released a statement Tuesday in defense of Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” replacement Trevor Noah and a series of jokes that the likes of a Comedy Central would immediately condemn as racist if they were told by anyone who didn’t work for Comedy Central. Noah’s jokes would also be immediately condemned as racist and anti-Semitic were his Middle America-bashing bona fides not in order.

Like many comedians, Trevor Noah pushes boundaries; he is provocative and spares no one, himself included. To judge him or his comedy based on a handful of jokes is unfair. Trevor is a talented comedian with a bright future at Comedy Central.

In order for Noah to keep his job and for Comedy Central to keep Noah, both will require a benefit of the doubt neither would ever give to anyone else — especially a conservative.

Noah has already attacked America as more racist than apartheid South Africa. He’s also singled out Middle America as intolerant.

Sometime in-between all of this race-baiting he has publicly ridiculed Jews as money hungry, Jewish women as frigid, and Asians’ looks.

Noah’s jokes don’t offend me. I personally believe satire and comedy should be given a very wide berth. According to the Left, though, Noah’s jokes are racist coming from anyone the Left doesn’t like or agree with.

After more than a decade of Jon Stewart’s speech policing, Comedy Central is defending Noah’s racist jokes.

You can’t make this up. 

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