New mother and actress Alyssa Milano had her freshly pumped breast milk confiscated at London’s Heathrow Airport Thursday, which left her reeling on social media.

The 42-year-old, who gave birth to her daughter in September, first tweeted the difficulty of pumping on a plane. That message was soon followed up with another in which she called out the airport for taking her milk altogether.

“@HeathrowAirport just took my pumped breast milk away. 10 ounces. Not okay,” she wrote in a tweet. “They said they would let the pumped milk through if I had the baby with me. Why would I need to pump if I had the baby with me????”

A representative for the airport was quick to respond to Milano, and explained she could have kept the milk had her daughter been present.

“If you are not traveling with a baby/infant all your liquids must comply with the 100ml rule,” read the guidelines. “Spare supplies should be packed in hold baggage.

Milano fired back at the airport while questioning its rationale for confiscating her milk, but not her shampoo or lotions.

“@HeathrowAirport I would have happily spread milk in different containers (which I travel with) to comply to those liquid rules,” she insisted. “Instead, milk was taken away with no discussion. Shampoo, lotions, etcetera we’re simply tested and handed back with no issue. Makes no sense at all.”

See Milano’s Tweets below: