At E3, Microsoft announced backwards compatibility for a limited but growing number of Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One. Some of these titles, namely Mass Effect, N+, and Perfect Dark Zero have since been tested on Xbox One for visuals and functionality by Eurogamer. General observations included a 1080p graphics quality that resembles the games when played on an Xbox 360 and no screen-tearing but at the expense of lower frame-rates.

Role-playing shooter Mass Effect loads more quickly on Xbox One and better renders textures; lighting is also improved. But in scenes of intense action, the game operates 30% more slowly on the Xbox One than on the Xbox 360, making it “nearly unplayable at points.” Here is a comparison of gameplay on the two consoles:

Xbox Live Arcade game N+ has fluctuations in frame-rate; however, these variations only affect around half of the levels. Contrast and sharpening are also enhanced. First-person shooter Perfect Dark Zero has no screen-tear but suffers a slower frame-rate, although not as reduced as the Xbox One version of Mass Effect.

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