In a statement released Friday by the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association Of the City of New York, Tony Tarantino, father of director Quentin Tarantino, blasted his son for smearing police officers as “murderers.”

I love my son and have great respect for him as an artist but he is dead wrong in calling police officers, particularly in New York City where I grew up, murderers. He is a passionate man and that comes out in his art but sometimes he lets his passion blind him to the facts and to reality. I believe that is what happened when he joined in those anti-cop protests. I wish he would take a hard, dispassionate look at the facts before jumping to conclusions and making these kinds of hurtful mistakes that dishonor an honorable profession.

After smearing police officers as murderers at a weekend anti-cop hate rally in New York, police unions in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia have called for a boycott of the Oscar-winning director’s upcoming film, the $80 million “Hateful Eight.”

The film is scheduled for a limited Christmas Day release before going wide in early January.


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