He brought you #IAMSORRY. He brought you a live-stream of his heartbeat, and one of himself watching all 29 of his own movies. He invited you to “touch his soul,” and made you unafraid to be inspired.

Now, Shia LaBeouf invites you, again, to experience his latest performance art: being stuck in an elevator for 24 hours.

The 29-year-old Transformers actor and performance artist debuted his latest piece, #ELEVATE, at the Oxford Union in England on Friday. LaBeouf and frequent collaborators Nastja Sade Rönkkö and Luke Turner will spend 24 hours in an elevator inside the building, pausing only for bathroom breaks and a one-hour lecture the actor will deliver Friday evening at Oxford University.

The #ELEVATE event is being live-streamed here:

Reactions to the stunt were mixed on social media:

The trio mostly just talked during the first part of the event, including about presidential politics:

The actor is set to appear next in the film American Honey, due out later this year.

Watch the #ELEVATE live-stream above.