Actor Terry Crews detailed his life-long battle with an addiction to pornography and revealed how it almost derailed his marriage in a three-part video series posted to Facebook.

The 47-year-old former NFL player and Brooklyn Nine-Nine star released his latest “Dirty Little Secret” Facebook video on Tuesday. In the first video posted earlier this month, the actor revealed he went to rehab for his addiction, and said it had “really, really messed up life in a lot of ways.”

“It became a thing where I didn’t tell anybody,” Crews says in the first video. “It was my secret, nobody knew, and that allowed it to grow, and it got bad. If day turns into night and you are still watching, you probably got a problem, and that was me. I didn’t tell my wife, didn’t tell my friends, nobody knew.”

The actor added that pornography can change the way human beings view each other, not as people but as “objects” and “body parts.”

“My issue was and is with pornography is it changes the way you think about people. People become objects, people become body parts, they become things to be used rather than people to be loved,” Crews said. “You start to use people, you start to feel like you’re the man and they’re just whatever.”

In the second clip, Crews said it was important not to let a sense of shame interfere in the battle against overcoming addiction.

“Shame doesn’t say you did something bad, shame says you are bad,” he said. “And when you think and believe that you are bad, there’s no way out. You say: ‘You know what, forget it, I might as well use drugs, I might as well overeat, I might as well use porn.’ Because if you believe that are bad, then you act accordingly. What you have to change is that paradigm in your life, you have to believe that you are good.”

In the clip posted Tuesday, the actor revealed his pornography addiction became so bad he “felt like my wife owed me sex.”

“When you have a sense of entitlement, it’s extremely dangerous,” Crews said. “What entitlement does is it gives you self-pity. And self-pity — it feels good. It feels good.”

“Every man out there desires intimacy. Every time you look at pornography, it’s a desire for intimacy,” he said. “You are trying to fight your feelings of being alone by filling it with pornography in an attempt to feel that you are with someone and you know someone. But pornography is an intimacy killer. It kills all intimacy.”

Crews also cautioned both men and women to take more responsibility to combat the problem.

“You cannot accept any pornography in your man’s life. Anything that will make you feel denigrated, make you feel less than, you cannot accept it,” he said.

“I’m calling on men to be more accountable. A true man and a true woman is a person who takes responsibility for everything in his life, good and bad,” he added.

Watch Crews’ three-part “Dirty Little Secret” Facebook series above.