Gretchen Carlson is renewing her push for an AR-15 ban, firing off a series of tweets further criticizing AR-15s and pointed to her daughter’s work with a Newtown charity.

Breitbart News reported that Carlson said that AR-15s  are not needed “to hunt or kill deer” and suggested they only serve to enable terrorists to carry out their attacks with greater efficiency. She quoted a December 2015 poll showing majority support for an “assault weapons” ban and said, “I’m with the majority today, taking a stand.”

When confronted by Second Amendment supporters on Twitter, Carlson doubled down on her pro-ban stance, sometimes conflating an AR-15 with the 30-round magazines that can be used in such a firearm.

For example, a Twitter user named Greg tweeted to remind Carlson that our Founding Fathers did not write the Second Amendment so we could hunt. Greg wrote: “2nd amendment was not written to protect deer hunting Gretchen.”

Carlson responded: “It also wasn’t written to blow away people with 30 rounds.”

Another Twitter user–John–asked: “Why do you rich elitists who always want to make it more difficult for us common law abiding folks to protect ourselves?”

Carlson responded: “U need 30 rounds to do that?”

And another Twitter user–who goes by the name The New Independence–asked: “Let me ask you a question Gretchen Carlson. Somebody breaks into your house to kill your children. How do you stop them? Will they be nice?”

Carlson responded: “With a gun that isn’t an assault weapon.”

And just to sure everyone understands she does support banning AR-15s, Carlson responded to praise for her “objective reporting” by tweeting, “That’s why I backed the assault weapon ban today thanks.”

Carlson explained that her decision to go all-in against AR-15s after one was used in the Pulse Orlando gun-free zone was partly because of Sandy Hook–another attack in a gun-free zone–and partly because her daughter works for a Newton charity.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at