Actress Lena Dunham has repeatedly placed herself in public relations nightmares by posting inflammatory statements on social media. Dunham, attempting to avoid drama, says she’s hired people to stop her from posting controversial screeds.

“These articles come out that say, ‘Lena Dunham apologies for like the 87th time,’ [but] that was how I was raised,” the Girls star said, Entertainment Weekly reports, during South by Southwest’s “Authenticity and Media in 2018” panel. “We try and we fail and we try again. We think the problem from another angle and we grow.”

Last November, Dunham took to Twitter to apologize for defending Girls writer-producer Murray Miller against accusations that he had raped then-17-year-old actress Aurora Perrineau in 2012.

Earlier that year, Dunham — who accused an innocent man of rape and waited months before finally admitting that she had wrongly accused him — apologized for a tweet she posted in 2010 referring to African Americans as “rodents.” She also sought forgiveness for projecting sexist thoughts onto New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr.

A month earlier, Dunham apologized for saying she wished she had an abortion.

Now, the HBO star says she’s surrounded herself with nearly two dozen people, some of them paid, to stop her from tweeting things she may end up apologizing for.

“I have about 19 people ready to stop me from tweeting,” Dunham said during the South by Southwest panel. “Many of them paid.”

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