Avengers director Joss Whedon used Austin, Texas, bombing victim Draylen Mason as a weapon against President Trump. In a tweet, Whedon used fake news to blame Mason’s death on the president.

“Draylen Mason. One of the kids I march for, ” Whedon tweeted. “I know, he wasn’t shot. But a violent white kid felt entitled to take his pain out specifically on people of color, & that’s coming from the top. We elected Ugly White Rage and in November we can start to remedy that. March. VOTE!”

As of now, there is no evidence that the Austin serial bomber, who committed suicide last week, chose his targets based on race. Authorities still do not know what his motive is, so Whedon also has nothing on which to base the accusation that Trump somehow inspired something.

Whedon is currently trying to crawl his way back into the good graces of the woke left. After posing as a male feminist for years, his ex-wife revealed that Whedon was a serial adulterer who took advantage of his powerful role in Hollywood and his proximity to “beautiful, needy, aggressive young women”

An obvious chauvinist, Whedon regularly mocks the way women look if they do not say and believe the things Whedon believes they should say and believe. He has also wished rape on people, mocked the looks of cancer survivors, and once expressed how happy he is that his own mother is dead.

Whedon’s most recent job behind the camera was co-directing Justice League, which was both a critical and commercial embarrassment. Whedon was expected to direct Batgirl next, but that project fell through. Between the end results of Justice League and Whedon’s obvious issues with strong, independent women, Batgirl fans were not too upset over the news.

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