A petition calling for a boycott of ABC’s late-night host Jimmy Kimmel has surpassed 150,000 signatures after he dedicated a segment of his show to mocking First Lady Melania Trump’s Slovenian accent.

Kimmel drew criticism after mocking Mrs. Trump’s accent, showing video of her reading a book to children last week at the White House Easter Egg Hunt.

“On Monday night, left-wing host Jimmy Kimmel showed his true bigotry by mocking the way our First Lady was reading a children’s book during the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House,” the petition reads.

The organizers say they will send the petition to “the front door of Disney/ABC Studios” in order to “send a message that these attacks on our First Lady will NOT be tolerated.”

The petition’s initial goal was to reach 50,000 signatures, meaning it has now tripled its original target.

Kimmel’s monologue was heavily criticized by Fox News Sean Hannity, who called him a “despicable disgrace” and pointed to the fact that she speaks five languages.

A spat between the two men over Twitter then ensued, leading several users to accused Kimmel of making “homophobic slurs” about Hannity’s relationship with President Donald Trump.

On Sunday, Kimmel apologized to Hannity and for causing offense to gay people but offered no apology to Melania Trump.

“By lampooning Sean Hannity’s deference to the President, I most certainly did not intend to belittle or upset members of the gay community and to those who took offense, I apologize,” he said in a statement.


The petition has soared to more than 200,000 signatures.

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