Actor Alec Baldwin attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Twitter Wednesday, claiming the country’s top law enforcement officer embodies “racism, white exceptionalism, ignorance, oppression of the politically disenfranchised.”

“Sessions is emblematic of the outliers in the Trump administration that are currently running the country,” the Baldwin Foundation tweeted. “Embodying racism, white exceptionalism, ignorance, oppression of the politically disenfranchised. #Midterms2018.”

The tweet did not elaborate or included an explanation as to why Sessions embodies racism and oppression, an elaboration that would be helpful, given that the attorney general and former Alabama senator has an Asian granddaughter.

While the tweet did not originate from Baldwin’s personal Twitter account, there is a high likelihood that the Saturday Night Live star and President Trump impersonator is the one who sent the tweet.

Baldwin promised to suspend tweeting from his personal account in November of 2017, after he became embroiled in a Twitter fight with actress Asia Argento and her then-boyfriend, the late Anthony Bourdain:

The dispute began after the Hunt for Red October star implied that Actress Rose McGowan was at least partially responsible for the abuse she suffered from disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

After Baldwin mentioned the “culture of complicity” in Hollywood where, in his view, women are at least partially responsible for relationships that end in some form of sexual harassment or abuse, Argento called Baldwin out for the comment:

Regardless of who sent the tweet accusing Sessions of “embodying racism,” there’s no mistaking that Baldwin increasingly sees his role as a Democratic Party activist and fundraiser — a point furthered by Baldwin’s use of the hashtag #Midterms2018 in the tweet about the attorney general.

In addition to using his foundation’s Twitter account, the Boss Baby star has also hosted numerous Democratic fundraisers. In November of 2017, Baldwin appeared at the Democrat state party banquet in Iowa. In March, Baldwin and Norman Lear hosted a Democrat fundraiser at the home of a high-profile Hollywood lawyer.

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