Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has revealed his “8 ACTIONS” he believes activists need to undertake to effectively oppose President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

In an Instagram post on Tuesday, the Fahrenheit 9/11 director called for those on the left to do everything from calling their Senators, to pleading with journalists to engage in “investigative journalism,” to find the “skeletons in every closet.”

Moore wrote:

“Please, John McCain, if you’re able, please speak out,” Moore wrote. “Ask your fellow Republicans in the Senate to take a stand against Trump. One last favor to you who gave so much to his country.”

Moore’s post — which reads very much like a manifesto — contains several extreme ideas. Among the more radical of Moore’s “actions” is his call to “punish all Democratic collaborators and centrist pundits/media who praise Trump’s choice in order to pacify and halt any opposition.”

Such a directive from Michael Moore could be construed as rendering all approval of Judge Kavanaugh as illegitimate commentary. It’s also unclear what Moore means by “non-stop aggressive action.” In the minds of the increasingly violent and vocal leftist protesters, such a command could be interpreted as a call to violence.

Tuesday’s Instagram post isn’t the first time that Moore has chimed in on President Trump’s appointment of Judge Kavanaugh. The Sicko director also took aim at Kavanaugh for being “obsessed” with Bill Clinton’s semen while working as part of Ken Starr’s investigative team:

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