Late-night hosts including, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert, chided President Donald Trump over his recent NATO summit in Brussels where he urged other countries to pay more into the alliance’s defense budget.

Late Show host Stephen Colbert suggested Trump’s planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was the equivalent of going “straight to hell.”

“It is the first full day of Donald Trump’s trip to Europe. He’s in Brussels for the NATO summit, and then it’s on to England, then he’s going to straight to hell,” Colbert said. “I’m sorry, Helsinki. To meet with Vladimir Putin.”

“As The New York Times put it, ‘Mr. Trump kicked off his meetings on a contentious note.’ Contentious is his only note! He’s a human air horn,” he added. “The bumpy ride started at a breakfast with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Notice how Trump is the only one who already chugged his juice. ‘I’m making sure when I meet Putin I have a full bladder.’”

Meanwhile, Jimmy Kimmel mocked “the orange guy” Trump’s efforts to force other countries to contribute more money towards the NATO budget.

“Our president, the orange guy Trump, is in Belgium right now at the NATO Summit, fighting over how many ways they will split the check,” Kimmel said. “Things got off to a rocky start. They had a breakfast meeting today with the NATO secretary general, where Trump complained that he wants other countries to spend more for defense.”

“He had especially harsh words for Germany. He repeatedly said Germany is ‘totally controlled by Russia.’ Which is also a good one coming from him,” Kimmel said. “He attacks Germany for making a deal with Russia — on his way to make a deal with Russia.”

Conan O’Brien also expressed his sympathy with the six world leaders “trapped” in a room with Trump at the summit.

“It’s been a stressful week,” he said. “First 12 Thai soccer players were stuck in a cave with rising water. Now six world leaders are trapped in a summit with President Trump.”

At a conference on Thursday, Trump claimed to have succeeded in his objective, declaring that “everyone has agreed to substantially up their commitment” and will now “up it to levels they never thought of before.”

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