Actor-comedian Patton Oswalt promoted a petition calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump in an essay published Friday.

“There is no firm, guiding hand on the tiller of statecraft, the economy, diplomacy, or infrastructure. There is puerile, adolescent emotion and momentary libidinal pleasure,” Patton Oswalt wrote in an essay published on McSweeny’s. “And the rest is up to us. We march in the streets, we petition our representatives, we raise money and signal-boost fundraisers for the weak, vulnerable, and unlucky.”

The Secret Life of Pets 2 star wrote that Americans who “support the bullies,” i.e. Trump and his administration, can “fuck right off.”

“Because this is the epoch of the entitled bully, and everyone else — even those who support the bullies but just so happen to be weak — can fuck right off. If we see racism? We call it out and deal with it. They’re not going to step in. If we see blatant hypocrisy and greed? We do our best to curtail it, ’cause it’s what they’re aspiring,” Oswalt wrote.

At the bottom of the article is a link to Need to Impeach, a website that promotes the impeachment of President Trump.

“Our president surrounds himself with criminals. He hired criminals to work for him, he hired criminals to run his campaign, and he hired criminals to serve in his administration,” the site reads.

Need to Impeach is promoted by Tom Steyer, a liberal billionaire who is reportedly exploring the possibility of a 2020 presidential run.

Oswalt, of course, has long been a critic of President Trump.

During the 2016 election, Oswalt lashed out, calling Trump an “ignorant, vengeful, racist asshole.”