American Vogue, in its latest October issue, has declared porn star Stormy Daniels — who alleges an  affair with President Trump — the “Resister-in-Chief.”

Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour has seemingly taken sides with Daniels over fashion-forward First Lady Melania Trump, choosing to feature the porn star’s profile on the latest cover of the fashion magazine.

While Lady Gaga is the cover star for Vogue’s October issue, it is Daniels’ likely glowing profile in the magazine that is sure to garner the most controversy.

Mrs. Trump has been passed on by every major fashion publication to be a cover star or even the center of a style feature, despite her newfound legacy of being the most fashionable First Lady in American history.

Mrs. Trump — a former fashion model — was given the cover of American Vogue in February 2005, pictured in her custom John Galliano wedding dress. That was the month Mrs. Trump married then-New York City billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump.

Stormy Daniels, on the other hand, has dedicated herself to the left-wing resistance hellbent on taking done President Trump. The porn star-turned leftist activist is at the center of the controversy surrounding campaign contribution charges against former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, stemming from his payments to Daniels.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.