Hollywood actress-turned political activist Jennifer Lawrence is the face of a new star-studded campaign called RepresentUs that seeks to “save” America from political corruption like gerrymandering and lobbying.

“We are witnessing a total political system failure in America,” Jennifer Lawrence said in a video promoted on social media.

“If you’re anything like me you may find yourself constantly overwhelmed by everything that’s wrong with politics and when I say politics I’m not talking about Democrats or Republicans I’m talking about the flaws that exist in our political system regardless of which party is in power.”

“We can fix our corrupt political system, save America, and get to work on fixing everything else that’s broken in our country,” the 28-year-old said.

In the over 12-minute video, the The Hunger Games star endorses the ideas of RepresentUs, an organization that seeks to “bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections.”

Among the group’s goals are banning lobbyist bundling and ending gerrymandering.

RepresentUs is founded and funded by members of the Hollywood elite like JJ Abrams, Adam McKay, Steve Carell, Patton Oswalt, and Judd Apatow’s Apatow-Mann Family Foundation. The group is also funded by the Tides Foundation, a group that has received funding in part from George Soros.

Lawrence presents her stance as nonpartisan, but the X-Men star has made her political views well known. In the run up to the 2016 election, the actress told Donald Trump “fuck you!” and said his election would be the “end of the world.”