Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VM) tapped rapper Cardi B to appear in one of his presidential campaign videos in a bid to appeal to younger voters, describing her as “really smart.”

“We (are) working on a way to involve more young people in the political process,” Sanders told CNN as he arrived for the filming. “The future of America depends on young people. They are voting in large numbers, but not large enough numbers.”

Cardi B meanwhile took to Instagram to affirm that Sanders would “fight for economic, racial, and social justice for all.”

“Thank you, Senator Bernie Sanders, for sitting with me and sharing your plans on how you will change this country,” the Grammy-winner said on Twitter after the shoot. “Stay tuned to see how he will fight for economic, racial, and social justice for all. Together, let’s build a movement of young people to transform this country.”

Sanders recently sang the praises of the 26-year-old rapper, whose real name is Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar, during an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying he had spoken with her on “multiple occasions.”

“She is really smart. And she is deeply concerned about what’s happening in this country,” Sanders told Kimmel. “She wants to make sure we improve life for working people in this country, and I’m delighted that she is a supporter.”

Cardi B recently expressed her admiration for Sanders’s, admitting she was left disappointed by the fact Hillary Clinton was chosen as the 2016 Democratic nominee.

“I been reading about Bernie Sanders and I’m really sad how we let him down in 2016. This man been fighting for equal rights, HUMAN rights for such along time,” she wrote last week. “Seeing this country become a better place been really his passion for a long time not a new front for a campaign.”

However, it is not clear whether Cardi B realizes the implications of a Sanders presidency, particularly in regard to his plans to raise taxes on those with the highest income. Last year, she filmed herself railing against the size of federal and state government while demanding greater transparency about how her tax dollars are spent.

“I want to know what you’re doing with my fucking tax money because I’m from New York where the streets are always dirty, it’s been voted the dirtiest city in America,” she declared at the time. “So what is y’all doing with my fucking money? I want to know, I want receipts, I want everything. Uncle Sam, I want to know what you’re doing with my fucking money.”

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