To say that a highly-publicized Taylor Swift appearance on Fox’s 2019 Teen Choice Awards failed to save the award show from a ratings catastrophe would be quite the understatement.

After hitting a record low in the ratings last year, the Teen Choice Awards collapsed Sunday night with a 28 percent freefall in total viewers and an incredible 50 percent drop in younger viewers, aged 18-49.

Hoping to boost the night’s ratings, left-wing diva Taylor Swift landed the inaugural Icon Award. But Swift’s cynical move to embrace divisive politics has obviously dented her mass appeal and, by extension, her popularity.

In fact, she did herself no favors Sunday night by politicizing the award she was handed. She took that moment to applaud the obnoxious U.S. Women’s Soccer Team, not only for winning the World Cup but “taking a historic stand in terms of gender equality, gender pay gap.”

Boy, that sounds like a rip-roarin’ good time as the Teen Choice Awards.

Actually, it sounds like what all of these awful award shows have become — homework, a trip to socialist summer camp, a sanctimonious lecture from the wildly out of touch, a partisan and divisive night of television instead of something entertaining, uplifting, and unifying.

How bad did the Teen Choice Awards bomb? From 8-10 p.m. on a Sunday night, only 721,000 total viewers tuned in.

That is a CNN-level bomb.

Wait, it gets better… Reruns on ABC of the $100,000 Pyramid grabbed 4.7 million viewers.

Yes, you read that correctly… reruns of a game show not only beat the Teen Choice Awards by four million total viewers but more than tripled the number of younger viewers — a 0.7/3 in the 18-49 age demo compared to 0.4.

Younger people would rather watch reruns of a game show than Taylor Swift…

There is just no question that the American public is disgusted with Trump-era Hollywood, an industry that has become ever more smug, preachy, and bitter.

Almost every award show has hit record-low numbers over the past few years…

The Golden Globes and now the MTV Movie and TV Awards are both bottom feeding, and now we can add the Teen Choice Awards to the list of record lows.


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