Left-wing actor John Cusack, in a typo-filled rant, said President Donald Trump is “playing for an exit strategy,” concluding that the military has “abandoned his fascism,” leaving him with support from only racists.

“Trump is playing for an exit strategy – that keeps him from jail- miltary [sic] has abandoned his fascism – all he’s got left is rascists [sic]- He wants something to leverage – to stay out of jail,” the Say Anything and 2012 star said in a message to his 1.6 million followers on Twitter.

Cusack also posted a picture of a sign in front of a Trump building reading, “Fuck Trump.”

Cusack’s dire synopsis follows former Secretary of Defense James Mattis’s attack on the president, published in The Atlantic last week. Mattis criticized Trump for using the military to quell riots in Washington, D.C. and warned Americans to “reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution.” As Breitbart News detailed, Mattis also likened Trump to a Nazi, “saying Trump’s policies resemble ‘[t]he Nazi slogan for destroying us.'”

The actor’s conclusion — that President Trump only has racists to lean on — is not a new attack line on the left. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) floated that same concept following the Trump campaign’s announcement of its upcoming rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, deeming it a “welcome home party” for white supremacists.

Trump has since moved the rally to the following day.

The Sixteen Candles actor, though, has been very involved in the ongoing protests dominating the country over the last two weeks, shooting footage of the riots in Chicago. John Cusack recently expressed hope that the protests — many of which have descended into violent riots featuring looting, assault, vandalism, and the loss of life — continue until “trump flys [sic] away in a fucking helicopter.”