Nothing irritates an elite Hollywood left-winger quite like a strong, successful conservative woman.

Hollywood stars took their knives out for the Trump-supporting women who spoke during the third night of the Republican National Convention, singling out Kayleigh McEnany, Kellyanne Conway, Karen Pence, Marsha Blackburn, and even Catholic nun Sister Deirdre Byrne for mean-girl attacks and insults.

Celebrities including Mia Farrow, Alyssa Milano, and professional Trump haters Rosie O’Donnell and Kathy Griffin launched their social media attacks Wednesday evening as the RNC paid tribute to women who have made a mark on U.S. history, including Susan B. Anthony and the suffragettes who secured women’s right to vote.

Mia Farrow insulted Trump-supporting women by saying they all look alike and resemble “Barbies.”

Trump-hating comedians Rosie O’Donnell and Kathy Griffin attacked female members of President Trump’s White House staff. O’Donnell called White House special counselor Kellyanne Conway a “cult member” while Griffin called White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and Kellyanne Conway “assholes.”

Actress Joely Fisher also dissed Kellyanne Conway, who will be departing the White House later this month.

Franklin Leonard, who oversees the elite Hollywood “Black List” of favorite un-produced screenplays, launched a personal attack on Sen. Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN) father, who served as a police officer.

Comedian Chelsea Handler and actress Alyssa Milano both took a swipe at Second Lady Karen Pence.

Milano also targeted Kellyanne Conway for saying that President Trump has empowered women who have worked for him. She also lashed out at Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law.

Comedian Brad Loekle insulted Sister Deirdre Byrne, who is also a medical doctor who served in the military.

Soap-opera star Nancy Lee Grahn told Kayleigh McEnany “FU!” [Fuck you!].

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