Hollywood stars shifted into attack mode Wednesday after journalist Bob Woodward released interviews in which President Donald Trump said that he understated the threat of the coronavirus pandemic in order to prevent mass panic.

Celebrities launched a social media offensive, calling on President Trump to resign or be removed through impeachment. In their outrage, the stars omitted the fact that President Trump made similar comments in March during a White House press conference.

“I wanna keep the country calm. I don’t want panic in the country. I could cause panic much better than even you,” the president told CNN’s Jim Acosta, who accused the commander in chief of “downplaying” the coronavirus.

Celebrities also omitted the fact that Dr. Anthony Fauci defended President Trump from accusations that he lied about the gravity of the pandemic. “I don’t think [Trump] ever distorted things that I spoke to him about,” Fauci told Fox News on Wednesday.

The stars also failed to mention Democratic leaders who downplayed the Chinese virus, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who encouraged people to visit San Francisco’s Chinatown in February. “Everything is fine here,” Pelosi said.

Alyssa Milano called for President Trump to be impeached “again.”

Star Trek star George Takei demanded that the president “must resign.”

Barbra Streisand accused the president of “deliberate negligence.”

Comedian Patton Oswalt advocated for arresting President Trump.

Veep star and DNC surrogate Julia Louis-Dreyfus tweeted the #TrumpKnew hashtag.

Ellen Barkin accused the president of actually murdering people.

Frozen star Josh Gad accused the president of “criminal negligence.”

Judd Apatow acknowledged that President Trump has mastered the dangers of the coronavirus, but still accused him of “straight up lying.”

Seth MacFarlane accused the president of misleading the public.

Two and a Half Men star Jon Cryer called out “every single Republican senator who didn’t vote to remove Trump during impeachment.”

Rosanna Arquette called the president “the embodiment of true evil.” She also made the unfounded accusation that the president kept PPE “away from health care workers.”

John Leguizamo added his voice to the impeachment redux chorus.

Actor and physician Ken Jeong tweeted: “Please vote him out.”

Jeffrey Wright attempted a joke about McDonald’s-loving rapper Travis Scott.

The West Wing star Bradley Whitford lashed out at Bob Woodward, accusing the journalist of withholding “the truth in order to maximize his profits” for his forthcoming book.

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