Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder and business mogul Bob Johnson agrees that re-electing Donald Trump would be a good thing for black Americans because the black community is “seeing minimal return” by voting for Democrats.

In a recent interview with CNBC, Johnson said that “based on the last four years, the answer would be yes” that another four years with President Trump in office would be beneficial for black Americans. “If you take the notion that Trump’s focus is on building the economy, building manufacturing, creating more jobs, then, the answer again, is yes,” said Johnson, responding to a question fr

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“I’m not fearful that a Trump reelection is going to be an assault on the political, cultural, social eights of black Americans,” Johnson continued. “It didn’t show up in the past four years in terms of economic opportunity, and so, today, I don’t see what the black community has gotten over the past eight years of Democratic leadership.”

The BET founder also noted that black Americans are “seeing minimal return” by voting for Democrats.

“I think black Americans are getting a little bit tired of delivering huge votes for the Democrats and seeing minimal return in terms of economic wealth, and closing the wealth gap, job creation, job opportunities,” said Johnson. “And Joe Biden was not an inspiring candidate for many black Americans. Some of them stayed home, some of them voted for Trump.”

Early analysis of voting data suggest that the president increased his 2016 percentage of the black vote in 2020 by between 2 and 4 percentage points.

Johnson went on to say that the black unemployment rate has hit record lows under President Donald Trump’s leadership.

“For African-Americans, under Trump’s leadership, we have the lowest unemployment rate for black Americans in over 50 years. We also saw investments in black businesses and black communities through the Opportunity Zones.”

Earlier this year, Johnson condemned Joe Biden for claiming that black people aren’t really black if they don’t vote for him.

“VP Biden’s statement today represents the arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who has the audacity to tell Black people, the descendants of slaves, that they are not Black unless they vote for him,” said Johnson.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, on Parler at @alana, and on Instagram.