As former President Donald Trump boarded Air Force One for the last time around 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, Hollywood took to Twitter in droves to celebrate the end of Trump’s time in office. It was Marvel movie star Mark Ruffalo, a vocal Trump critic, who called Trump a “turd” and proclaimed that “the golden toilet presidency is finally over.”

‘He is finally gone. The nightmare has come to its fitful end. A bunch of trump elite criminals pardoned in the shroud of night. The Golden Toilet Presidency is over. A turd is a turd no matter where it lays,” Mark Ruffalo wrote.

Ruffalo was not the only celebrity celebrating the end of Trump’s presidency. Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore also said he would “go ahead and cancel the U-Haul.”

“He has just left the White House for good. We the people have evicted him. I will go ahead & cancel the U-Haul. He now flies over the wreckage he has created, knowing we are not done with him. Trial. Conviction. Imprisonment. He must pay for his actions – a first-ever for him,” Moore tweeted.

Jim Carrey also piled on Trump, making a Wizard of Oz reference in a tweet with the words, “Ding dong, the witch is dead.”

Left-wing Hollywood celebrities have been piling on Trump for the past 24 hours of his term in office, jeering at the former commander-in-chief and cursing at him and his supporters.