Left-wing pop star Cher said she cried after President Biden departed Washington, DC, on Air Force One on Friday for Delaware.

“President Joseph Biden jr Has Just Taken Off On Air Force One,” the Dark Lady singer told her 3.8 million Twitter followers. “I’m Smiling & Crying,” she added, thanking God.

Biden departed the nation’s capital on Friday, heading to Delaware to spend time with his family. It marks his first departure from D.C. since taking office and comes as the CDC recommends Americans to avoid air travel as the second wave of the pandemic continues to sweep the country.

“Travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time. Delay travel and stay home to protect yourself and others from COVID-19,” a CDC travel alert last updated February 2 reads.

While critics note that Biden seems to be bucking CDC recommendations, White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended the 78-year-old commander-in-chief’s decision, telling reporters on Friday that “key” is “ensuring that people don’t take steps to make others vulnerable.”

“Delaware is his home, and he looks forward to spending the weekend there and some time with his family,” Psaki said of his planned trip.

Biden’s travels come as members of his administration continue to urge Americans to wear masks. Their continued call for universal masking applies to those who have received the vaccine as well. Notably, Biden has received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Cher, who routinely complained about former President Donald Trump on Twitter throughout his presidency, has remained a cheerleader for Biden, stumping for him less than two weeks ahead of the presidential election in Las Vegas, Nevada, last year.

“I’ll sing and then I’ll wave goodbye and that will be it,” she told attendees, identifying truth and honesty as two of Biden’s “great attributes.”