Lana Wood, the surviving younger sister of late movie star Natalie Wood, claims Kirk Douglas assaulted her sister in 1955.

The allegation comes by way of Lana Wood’s memoir, which hits shelves next week.

The far-left AP breaks the allegation down this way:

“I remember that Natalie looked especially beautiful when Mom and I dropped her off that night at the Chateau Marmont entrance,” Lana Wood writes in “Little Sister,” alleging that the incident happened in the summer of 1955, around the time Natalie Wood was filming “The Searchers.” The meeting had been arranged by their mother, Maria Zakharenko, who thought that “many doors might be thrown open for her, with just a nod of his famous, handsome head on her behalf,” according to Lana Wood.

“It seemed like a long time passed before Natalie got back into the car and woke me up when she slammed the door shut,” she writes. “She looked awful. She was very disheveled and very upset, and she and Mom started urgently whispering to each other. I couldn’t really hear them or make out what they were saying. Something bad had apparently happened to my sister, but whatever it was, I was apparently too young to be told about it.”

Years later, Lana claims, Natalie identified Douglas and said she entered his suit, “And, uh … he hurt me, Lana.”

(Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Natalie Wood died at age 43 in a 1981 drowning that was ruled accidental. Lana also accuses Natalie’s then-husband, Robert Wagner, of being “responsible for her death.”

According to the book, Natalie’s mother, Maria, told her daughter to “Suck it up” because accusing Douglas of anything would ruin her chances at a career. Wow, so Lana is also roasting her own mother.

American actress Natalie Wood (1938 – 1981), circa 1965. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)

I don’t know what happened. The only people who know are Kirk Douglas and Natalie Wood, and they are both dead. If it’s true, it’s awful, but I know of no other accusation of that sort against Douglas, and rapists generally don’t stop with one. Sure, he was a womanizer, but that’s a long way from being a child rapist.

Regardless, Natalie Wood is dead. Kirk Douglas is dead. Other than selling books for attention and money, what’s the good being done here?  What good is served in accusing a dead man of raping a teenage girl?

All Lana Wood’s doing is hurting Kirk Douglas’s family, like his son Michal, whose only response to this story is “May they both rest in peace” — which is the perfect response.

At least Robert Wagner is around to defend himself.

What happens now? Do the left-wing fascists who run the media smear Douglas as an “accused rapist” every time he’s mentioned? Are his movies pulled from distribution? Is he blacklisted and disappeared simply because the kangaroo court of public opinion says so?

What a revolting culture the left has built. They make Joe McCarthy look like Abe Lincoln.


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