A New York judge has ruled Cardi B and her sister did not defame MAGA Trump supporters by calling them “racist.”

In 2020, Cardi B and conservative commentator Candace Owens engaged in a Twitter feud after Owens said then-candidate Joe Biden was racist for interviewing Cardi B to gain black voter support.

As the argument ensued, Cardi B tweeted a video of her sister arguing with Trump supporters at a beach, denouncing them as racist homophobes.

“You wanna know why joe gotta talk to me Candice cause I have the #1 song & yet my sister can’t go to the beach in the Hampton’s wit out trump supporters harassing cause they were by themselves & Santa Claus was harassing my sis GF all because they are a Afro/Hispanic gay couple,” Cardi B tweeted.

“Nooooo that big pink man was harassing my sister girlfriend to move her car for no reason and then my sister came there had a back and forth and they stood quit when she Wip that phone out. They was harassing 2 Women! Ya going to catch the right f**kin one!” she later tweeted.

The lawsuit also accused Carolina and her girlfriend of “assault and battery via ‘copious spraying of spittle’ during a time when ‘COVID-19 virus infection was a nation-wide threat to all persons in the U.S,'” reported HuffPo.

According to the ruling from Suffolk County Judge William Condon on Friday, the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate “any special harm or defamation per se” committed by Cardi B and her sister, Carolina.

“The words uttered to plaintiffs do not arise to defamatory language, as they were merely general insults,” the judge ruled, adding Carolina made no “menacing gestures” and did not intend to have her spit “make bodily contact with the plaintiffs.”

Cardi B recently won a $1.25 million lawsuit for defamation against gossip blogger Tasha K.