Watch What Happens Live host Andy Cohen slammed the Biden administration’s “abysmal response” to monkeypox, and implored members of the gay community to “keep it locked up.”

“Monkeypox cases have risen so dramatically in New York City that Mayor Eric Adams issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency,” Cohen, who is gay, said.

“After what’s been an abysmal response from our government so far, I’m hoping this new order will help our leaders actually deal with this threat, and pressure the federal government to deploy badly needed resources, like vaccines, which have been very hard to come by,” he added.

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The talk show host went on to address the gay community, saying “keep it locked up,” even though they may not want to, because “it’s summer,” and “we all have COVID fatigue.”

“I want to speak to my gay brothers for a minute: we need to take this seriously, because this is affecting us at much higher rates than others right now,” he said.

“So be aware, get vaccinated if you can, and please — I know it’s summer, we all have COVID fatigue — but please, be safe, and don’t take unnecessary risks,” Cohen added. “I know it’s summer, but keep it locked up.”

Cohen also called on “everyone in the government and the media to not stigmatize our community, which is already under attack from many who would rather use us as a scapegoat than help us.”

“And if you’re not a gay man, you might think this doesn’t affect you now, but this is everyone’s problem,” the talk show host warned. “Because as we’ve learned from very recent history, unless we act now, these things can get a whole lot worse very quickly.”

This is not the first time Cohen has slammed Democrat politicians over their failures.

Earlier this year, during CNN’s New Year’s Eve Live coverage, Cohen blasted former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, proclaiming, “The only thing that Democrats and Republicans can agree on is what a horrible mayor he has been.”

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