Aging pop tart Britney Spears is being accused of racism over her recent social media comments about marijuana.

The 40-year-old is currently generating publicity for herself through a very public flame war with her ex-husband Kevin Federline. For the last few weeks (at least it feels like weeks), the two of them have been racking up a ton of attention by arguing publicly over what’s best for their two sons — 15-year-old Jayden and 16-year-old Sean — both of whom are almost certainly already doomed, so it really is a pointless debate.

After Federline said the two boys no longer want to see their mother, Britney responded on Instagram with the (credible) claim that when in Federline’s care, the boys are exposed to a household filled with marijuana:

The 40-year-old singer is currently in the midst of an explosive and highly-public row with her ex-husband Kevin Federline, who last week told their sons Sean, 16, and Jayden, 15, do not want to see their mother.

Spears posted a lengthy retort on Instagram, attacking Federline’s parenting and claiming the boys were being raised in a household [that] ‘has more weed than Ludacris, 50 Cent, Jay Z and Puff Daddy combined.’

Well, other than being pro-marijuana, Ludacris, 50 Cent, Jay Z, and Puff Daddy also share something else in common: all four are black men.

Naturally, this set off those members of the Social Media Stasi whose self-esteem is based solely on judging others over their impurities…

Example one: “Britney was WRONG for this, and it wouldn’t be the first time she’s made questionable comments about black artists.”

Example two: “So everyone is just ignoring how #BritneySpears assumed a bunch of black rappers are smoking weed and compared successful black millionaires to her sperm factory, no job having baby daddy.”

Example three: “Britney Spears named a bunch of black rappers to make a comparison about weed.”

Example four: “Why those particular people? And they’re all black.”

For all of Britney’s obvious issues, does anyone honestly believe she’s some sort of secret KlansTart?

One of these virtue-signaling Nazis wondered why Britney didn’t mention Willie Nelson. I can answer that: Probably because Willie Nelson is as relevant in the world of Britney Spears as Paul Lynde and George Gobel.

It looks like the backlash might have worked. I couldn’t find the weed post on Britney’s Instagram. So maybe the news is that Britney Spears can indeed be shamed by something.

But don’t worry, there’s plenty of other crazy stuff on her Instagram that screams, Mom Of The Year! — if by Mom of the Year you mean Here Are Countless Videos Of Mom Twirling While Pulling Down Her Pants.

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