Fox is looking to reboot the iconic 70’s cop show Starsky & Hutch, but it will star a couple of girls.

Yep, more idiocy from failing Hollywood:

Fox is developing the project, which will be feature two female characters in the title roles, via its script-to-series model.

The modern “reimagining” of Starsky & Hutch will center on two female detectives, Sasha Starsky and Nicole Hutchinson. They solve crimes in the offbeat town of Desert City while staying true to their friendship, their awesomeness, and somehow also trying to unravel the mystery behind who sent their fathers to prison 15 years ago for a crime they didn’t commit.

Gee, I sure hope one of the ladies is a Cherokee transsexual lesbian with a harelip.

The original series, which ran from 1975 to 1979, made stars of Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky), David Soul (Hutch), and the great Antonio Fargas, who played Huggy Bear, the show’s deus ex machina — the guy who always had the piece of information necessary to move the plot along. Another star was that cherry red, white-striped Ford Gran Torino.

Starsky & Hutch was still popular when it went off the air after four seasons and 92 episodes. Apparently, Glaser was unhappy with the show’s violence and wanted off the show. The idea was to kill his character off. Then Starsky’s younger brother would become Hutch’s partner. Instead, although it ranked at #36 that season, the whole thing was called off, and the show canceled. I bet David Soul was real happy with Glaser.

But have always found this story questionable because Glaser had no problem directing The Running Man in 1987, which was loaded with violence. Maybe it was TV violence that upset him? Whatever it was, Glaser and Soul never rose to those heights again.

It is also my understanding that the original show was based in part on writer/director Peter Hyams’ underrated 1974 film Busting, which starred the great Elliott Gould and Robert Blake as a couple of cynical, offbeat LAPD vice cops. Fargas even co-stars. Busting was also Hyam’s directorial debut.

Anyway… girls.

It’s all so stupid. And I’ll bet Starskyette and Hutchette will be more masculine than any guys currently on television.

Outside of the stupid girl factor, does this do anything for your confidence? [emphasis added]

They solve crimes in the offbeat town of Desert City while staying true to their friendship, their awesomeness, and somehow also trying to unravel the mystery behind who sent their fathers to prison 15 years ago for a crime they didn’t commit.

Their awesomeness.

Yeah, okay…

But then we get the over-arching mystery about their fathers, who are probably gay lovers.

Everything coming out of Hollywood is so awful today it’s becoming hilarious. Everything is satire, but the best part is that the people producing it don’t know it’s satire. And the only thing entertaining about what Hollwyood produces today is watching it fail, which you have to admit is pretty entertaining.

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