Ant-Man star Evangeline Lilly took to social media Friday to rebuke modern society’s expectations of androgynous behavior — “villainizing masculinity” and “applauding femininity” in men and vice-versa for women.

“Why are we only applauding masculinity in women and villainizing it in men? And why are we only applauding femininity in men and debasing it in women?” Lilly asked in a caption for an Instagram photo where she is standing next to an oasis in Egypt.

Lilly went on to express her frustration over people vilifying traditional depictions of tough guys but applauding the same behavior from women.

“Why do we feel the need to vilify a man wearing shit-kicker boots, driving a pick-up truck who’s not afraid to punch someone in the face, but if they were a woman, they would be the epitome of cool?” she said.

“Why is a man who loves make-up, cries easily and stays at home to tend to the domestic responsibilities valiant, but a woman who does the same is pathetic?” the actress added.

Lilly said she believes that “the truly revolutionary act is as old as time,” which is “Do not judge.”

“Let each be who they are and let us teach grace and charity above all things,” the actress added.

“These overarching ideas are far simpler and more effective than trying to juggle the minutia of judgement,” Lilly said. “They are ideas that protect us all from the excesses of each persons vices while still allowing the expression of their self.”

“Grace and charity are cornerstones of a thriving society and should not be abandoned,” she added. “We need them like we need democracy, justice and peace. And, without them, we can’t have democracy, justice or peace.”

This is not the first time Lilly has spoken out against today’s bizarre and alarming societal norms.

In February, the actress said she felt like David fighting Goliath when she came out against vaccine mandates last year.

“I know the beast that I’m attacking,” Lilly told Esquire earlier this year, recalling her thoughts ahead of sharing the post from a Washington, DC, protest on Instagram. “I know that I have a little pebble and there’s this f—— Goliath giant.”

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