On the heels of saying Donald Trump “Isn’t it past your jail time” from the Oscars stage, ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel kept his Trump-behind-bars fantasy going this week by gathering inmates for a Q&A on how the former president might survive in the slammer.

“It made me wonder, if justice prevails and Trump does go to prison, what will his life be like? So I met with a group of non-violent former inmates to ask, what can our former president expect behind bars and what can he do to prepare himself for prison?” Kimmel told his audience, before the next scene shows him sitting at a table with four inmates.

“Do you think he will find love in prison?” Kimmel asked.

“I think a big, Black man would go ahead and take him under his wing,” one inmate said.

“Oh, that’s right. You’re saying racists can get along in certain situations, be they sexual?” Kimmel asked.

“I think if there’s any opportunity, it’s for an orange guy like Donnie for sure,” the inmate said.

Kimmel later asked the inmates if Trump would be able to post on social media. He’d need to smuggle in a phone, one inmate replied while another inmate mimicked Melania Trump smuggling a phone and charger during visitation hours.

“And there’s only one place to put it up, right?” one inmate said of how the former first lady might smuggle in a phone. “You also gotta get the charge in too, so.”

Kimmel even displayed the inmates role playing in a miniature prison yard with a doll-sized Donald Trump clad in an orange jumpsuit surrounded by other inmates depicting Trump getting pepper sprayed by a prison guard and beat by the other inmates.

Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter and instagram @jeromeehudson