The sorry story of unrestricted migration from mainland Europe to Britain has opened another chapter, after the latest statistics from Eurostat – the EU’s statistic stooges – revealed that the UK has been by far the hardest hit country in Europe in terms of immigration. 

Figures show Britain took in more immigrants in 2011 than any other country in Europe – with 566,044 people landing here, many of them from recession-hit Spain and Greece, making their way to these shores.

The most distressing paragraph from Eurostat’s unwelcome report reads: “The UK reported the largest number of immigrants in 2011, followed by Germany, Spain, and Italy. These four member states together accounted for 60.3% of immigrants to EU states.”

The casual matter of factness of this statement, penned by a faceless Brussels bureaucrat, is as offensive to the Great British public as the fact that most migrants think they have an automatic right to take British jobs.

This report proves the Coalition government is utterly powerless to control the flow of immigration to Britain. Their hands are tied by obligations to Brussels, rendering them unable to fulfil promises made. The democratic process is forever frustrated because as a member, Britain has no power to change laws made in Brussels.

These figures will also do nothing to alleviate the Great British public’s justified concerns over immigration, especially as this discovery comes only one day after a YouGov poll of nearly 2,000 Britons revealed that 70 percent of us want immigration to be slashed or stopped completely, with only an insignificant 4 percent saying they thought it should be increased.

One is forced to ask the question – why is Britain so unfortunate in being the most popular destination for the unemployed of Europe – why is Britain more popular than France or Germany? 

They certainly haven’t here come for the weather. So it must be the fact that the British government is much more welcoming to immigrants, believing that causal foreign workers taking the jobs, housing benefits, school places, doctor’s appointments and hospital beds of British workers is somehow a good thing for Britain. Worst of all, the influx of cheap labour succeeds in driving down the wages of British workers, threatening the recovery in the long-term as a result.

In addition to a notable flow of Polish immigrants, a sizable number of these migrants have been from Spain and Greece, who are escaping the financial disasters in their respective countries.

With no sign of the British job market improving any time soon, Get Britain Out predicts that the country’s immigration problems will sadly get worse before they get better.

Dominic Kirby is a research assistant at Get Britain Out