A Sinn Fein Councillor has suggested a bomb should be placed under the headquarters of the Northern Irish Housing Executive, ‘metaphorically speaking of course’.

The comments came from Cllr Stephen Huggett at meeting of Fermanagh District Council, according to the Fermanagh Herald. The council were discussing the appointment of the SDLP’s Cllr Frank Britton to the Housing Executive Board.

Cllr Stephen Huggett said: “I hope he’s (Britton) going to put a bomb under the Housing Executive due to their abysmal record of traveller’s accommodation in county.”

“Metaphorically speaking?” asked Council Chairman Alex Baird. “Yes metaphorically speaking,” replied Huggett.

Cllr Britton said he ‘knew nothing about incendiary devices’, but suggested Hugget contact his party colleague in Omagh: Cllr Sean Begley, who is also on the board.

Cllr Begley’s brother, Thomas, was responsible for the Shankill Road bombing in October 1993. Thomas was killed along with eight innocent civilians and one member of the Ulster Defence Association.

Sinn Fein is the political wing of the Irish Republican Army, a banned terrorist group that has committed multiple bombings both in Northern Ireland and the British mainland.

Unionists claim that Sinn Fein and the IRA are in fact one body. But despite the claims Sinn Fein membership is legal and they have actively engaged in the peace process.