Mark Pritchard MP, a pro-life supporter in Parliament, has branded the practice of incinerating aborted babies “a national disgrace”. His comments came after a Channel 4 investigation showed 15,500 unborn babies had been burned; in some cases to power hospitals.

The report for Channel 4’s ‘Dispatches’ programme, which aired last night, also revealed that many parents who lose children early on in their pregnancy have no say over how the child’s remains are dealt with.

Mr Pritchard told Breitbart London: “If the reports are true, it’s a national disgrace, and a stain on the UK’s international reputation. It’s all very disturbing indeed”.

The MP is Vice-Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Pro-Life, a group that represents members of the Commons and the Lords who oppose abortion.

Also today Prof Bruce Keogh, Medical Director of the National Health Service, has written to hospitals telling them to end the practice of incineration.

In his letter Prof Keogh said: “While it is acknowledged that incineration is not illegal across the UK, existing professional guidance makes clear that the practice is inappropriate.

“I share the view that incineration of fetal remains is inappropriate practice and that other methods offer more dignity in these sensitive situations.”

Individual hospitals are not required to follow his guidance.