UKIP have accused the mainstream parties of a “dirty tricks” campaign following reports in Portsmouth News that Nigel Farage was banned from posing for photos outside Portsmouth Guildhall by the Liberal Democrat run council. The Council threw the UKIP leader off their property despite the location being used by others.

The UKIP leader walked around Old Portsmouth, flanked by a legion of press. He talked to local residents and even met Conservative activists who had put up a street stall. However, his presence at the Guildhall was a bridge too far for the Council and they moved him on.

The news of this latest attack against Farage comes after weeks of negative attacks on UKIP from the three main parties and sections of the press.

Two weeks ago a former UKIP staffer wrote to The Times to deny that he had claimed any expenses wrong doing by Farage. The Times were accused a misrepresenting what he said, and then running it as news.

Two days ago Conservative Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt, attacked UKIP for attracting “racists” to their party. This was after one activist posted offensive remarks about the comedian Lenny Henry.

The Liberal Democrats are under particular pressure from UKIP as they are polling just 9 percent. They are traditionally strong on the South Coast of England but UKIP had seen a remarkable surge in the area. Farage’s party are expected to do well in Portsmouth, despite the activities of the Council.

Tom Bursnall, UKIP National Executive Member, said: “The continued smear campaign and dirty tricks used by the three other parties does not surprise me.

“Their pals in the London media circle continue to execute their smears in the hope it will hurt UKIP but it has only made our supporters more determined – our membership continues to grow and poll ratings continue to climb to record highs.  

“In the past 3 months alone Tory, Labour, and Lib Dem councillors and candidates have been charged or arrested for fraud, racially aggravated assault, child rape, owning illegal firearms – the list goes on.  Will you hear about it from their friends in the establishment papers – of course you won’t.”

This wasn’t the only hiccup on the Portsmouth visit, the driver of the UKIP coach accidentally crashed it into the canopy of the railway station. Aside from a few red faces no one was hurt in the incident.