The BBC’s flagship Daily Politics programme has today broadcast a special feature on the launch of Breitbart London

Despite spelling the name of the website incorrectly in its banner, the BBC’s piece about the rise of a right-wing media outlet in the UK was timed well as the newer right-wing party UKIP surges in the polls, and ordinary Britons hit back against the entrenched political classes.

Breitbart London’s Managing Editor Raheem Kassam told the BBC, “When I look at some of the national newspapers they’re covering things from three or four days ago and I think to myself, ‘We covered that four days ago, what’s going on there?'”

“…What’s really important to us is serving a market that is actually fed up of buying newspapers and getting press releases”. 

Breitbart London’s Executive Editor James Delingpole said: “The internet… is the greatest breakthrough for freedom since Guttenberg invented the printing press… the old media is dying on its feet.”

“[We] circumvent the way the Gramscite left has occupied the universities, the schools, the newspapers – right wingers can get around that. Climategate would never have broken if it had not been for the internet”.