Finally the BBC has solved a problem that has long dogged the First World War: its worrying lack of relevance to modern youth.

For at least three generations, the First World War enjoyed a reputation as an event of quite significant historical interest, owing to its unprecedented global scale, its hideous carnage and the fact that it defined many of the rivalries and conflicts which would shape an entire century.

However, more recently it has fallen out of fashion on the grounds that: Hitler, though he was in it, had an insignificant role, so there were no swastikas or SS or any stuff like that; the tanks were, like, totally lame and didn’t even look like proper tanks; the planes were even worse and the helicopters were non-existent; some boring poets wrote some boring poems which we have to, like, study in class, which is so boring; trenches, trenches, trenches, yeah we got the idea, trenches; people who fought in it are, like, so old – dead in fact – apart from Leo Di Caprio in Gatsby and the music they were into totally sucked because dubstep hadn’t been invented then, in fact not even dance music or rap or heavy rock or emo or, like, anything you’d want to listen to.

Happily the BBC has found a solution. This:

Yes, there will some carpers who point out that this is an incredibly feeble rip off of the Epic Rap Battles of History series on the internet, that the rhymes just aren’t quite funny or outrageous or, indeed, rhyme-y enough (to see how it should be done check out Abe Lincoln v Chuck Norris) and that this is just the kind of epic fail you would expect of a top-heavy, unimaginative, artistically spavined, patronising, statist bureaucracy funded by a compulsory, prison-enforced licence fee.

Fans of the BBC’s rap battle, though, will no doubt be equally effusive in its defence. Presumably. If such people actually exist.